KreativLandTransfer at the centre of a themed evening organised by the Free State of Saxony in Brussels
With KreativLandTransfer, we accepted the invitation from the Minister of State Thomas Schmidt and the simul+ InnovationHub: On the evening of January 24th, 2024, everything revolved around strengthening rural regions in Europe at the State Representation of the Free State of Saxony in Brussels. Guests included representatives from European politics, who are focussed on prospects for disadvantaged rural regions with a high risk of migration.
The event focussed on the future of KreativLandTransfer – European Perspectives. Together with partners from Italy, Croatia and Portugal, we want to promote concrete cooperations between rural SMEs and creative industries companies across Europe. Through the targeted promotion of cross-sectoral cooperation, new products and services are to be created that promote new value chains in the respective regions. The aim is to motivate players from different economic sectors to think outside the box and work together to make a difference in their region. This includes the potential of cultural heritage, traditional craft techniques and spatial development in the respective regions that are no longer in use.
Signing of a Letter Of Intent
The Saxon Association of Cultural and Creative Industries as the head organisation of KreativLandTransfer signed a letter of intent with the partners Materahub (Matera region, Italy), Enter Koprivnica (Koprivnica-Križevci County, Croatia), Urbani Separe (Primorje-Gorski region, Croatia) and _Arteria_Lab / Universidade de Évora (Évora region). This confirms the desire to submit a joint project application to the European Commission.

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The reason for the European cooperation with the above-mentioned partners is the so-called Talent Booster Mechanism, a tool of the EU Commission for promoting talent in rural areas. The published paper summarises the challenges that both Saxony and our partner regions are facing: a sharp decline in the working-age population combined with the exodus of young people with university degrees. The mechanism aims to counteract this talent drain with various measures. The aim is to promote highly qualified jobs and thus retain talent in the relevant regions.
We look forward to working with the partner regions and will be happy to provide information on further project developments.
Your KreativLandTransfer team